Friday, September 13, 2013

Monthly Update #1

So, it's now been one month since I made my 30 by 30 list (for the complete list visit #jezlistthirty) I did a whole lot of planning and spreadsheeting and I think I've got things down pretty well! I've accomplished quite a few things and am feeling pretty productive. I'm going to focus on what I *did* do and not what I didn't.

#2 - make health a priority. WORK IN PROGRESS. I've been monitoring what I eat and have been more careful. I'm not being super strict but I am watching my calories and loosely tracking them. I've been drinking less alcohol and limiting my sugar intake. Next plan involves raising my water intake and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into my daily eating habits. Not bad!
#6 - AFI - work in progress, as always. I've watched two movies so far, and overall have seen nearly 30 of the movies on the list. See previous posts for an overview of those. I need to start watching these more often, before stuff falls off of Netflix! I think I'm going to aim for one during the week and one on the weekend.
#8 Watch X-Files - I'm more than halfway through the first season. I'm liking it a fair amount so far! It's good background noise and while there's been a couple of stinkers there's also been some really good ones and some that are, at worst, forgettable. I'm also following along with the AV Club rewatch reviews as I go and I'm finding I *mostly* agree with their assessments.
#9 - I've been cooking and using my stove *more* but still not terribly often. This is difficult for me because as a single person that lives alone it doesn't make sense for me to cook very often. It's much easier and cheaper for me to stick to quick meals that don't require a lot of prep and I don't have to worry so much about food waste and the like. I'm still working on this!
#11 - I'm going to revise this a bit. I'm not going to be writing fiction. I'm just not. The goal was to write more and I *have* been doing that.  Though that could probably be used more. Maybe I'll shoot for a 3/week format? Yeah. I like that idea. M-W-F
#13 Volunteer - This was a vague, tenuous goal and I did that deliberately. I didn't want to get tied up on particulars or limit myself in anyway. I think that I will be aiming for a goal of 12 hours (total.) Which isn't a lot, really, but it's more than I did in the previous year. I have made some headway on this already!  We had a work event that involved making bagged lunches for a local soup kitchen. I spent my lunch hour assembling sandwiches and snacks all together we made *650* lunches! Awesome! I also registered for a local volunteer organization and I'm going to be delving into that to see what sort of options are available.
#15 - visit a new place. DONE. Went to a new pub, several new restaurants, a new theater.
#18 -talk to family more. DONE. Called dad
#26 - I wrote my letter of thanks, just need to mail it! Also buy stamps. (NOTE: bought stamps!)
#20 Learn new things - I have a post about this later today! Needless to say, I now know *a lot* about our 19th President. Too much, in fact.
#21 - read more. I've read two books and am currently working on two books!
#22 - start a club. Book club! Started it! Currently reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
#23 -picnic Did some research on this and figured out WHERE I want to have it. Now I need to schedule the when (Sometime in October, likely!) and order supplies
#24 - tattoo Also made some progress on this. I have two tattoos that I want to get. For one, I've decided on *where* it goes. For the other, I still need to figure that out. Once I do, I'll begin researching where I want to go and have it done.

Well, I think that's it! Tune in next month for update #2!


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